Allows production of high quality and purity Al-Powder, with an average particie size of 15 μm.
The production method is based on the close-couple datomization of molten metal stream by its exposure to pressurized inert gas. Inductive heating used in the processis a modern, cost-effective solution as well as an alternative to electric furnaces.
The key advantages of the atomizer include:
- very simple process operation via LCD-Display and appropriately coupled control panel;
- flexible and economic batch production, giving a high value metal powder, with particles of spherical shape and smooth surface;
- extraordinary, high stability of the proces ensured by the optimized nozzle systems;
- excellent efficiency of powder, a wide particie size range, due to the use of replaceable, modular atomization nozzles and hot gas atomization.
The line includes high-performance production equipment, manufactured by European suppliers i.a. by INDUTHERM Erwärmungsanlagen GmbH.